The membership fee is 1,000 Bath. You can transfer the contribution using the QR code below.

- Duration of Membership lasts for one year (July until June).
- Memberships are for individual use only and are not intended for businesses or organizations.
- We will use your personal information to provide you with all information, benefits and services specific in your membership. Your email address will be our primary contact method. You can update your mailing preferences by emailing [email protected].
- Events and other activities
* The bringing of outside food and beverages is not allowed during activities and events of Villa Virtuosa. Snacks and drinks are available at the bar for an
affordable price.
* Drinking and smoking in the parking lot of the Villa is not permitted as it will cause annoyance to our neighbors. We have a balcony and terrace to smoke
* The use of drugs or other contraband substances is forbidden in or outside the Villa.
* All our activities and events are in English. - All visitors of Villa Virtuosa, including VV Friends and their guests, are expected to behave appropriately and to treat our staff, cast and creative teams with respect and courtesy. Villa Virtuosa is a community that is inclusive, welcoming and happy.
Anyone who does not uphold this culture will be asked to leave. In exceptional circumstances we may refuse membership where we consider doing so is in the best interests of Villa Virtuosa, our staff, casts or creative team. - Covid regulations
* Please follow the covid instructions from our staff when you are at the Villa such as taking your temperature and sanitizing your hands before you enter the Villa.
* If you are ill, have a cold or flu, please safeguard others and stay at homeWe reserve the right to amend these rules at any time.